My Projects

Here are some projects I have worked on, all the open source ones will have GitHub links. Please be aware that some of these will suck, a lot of the projects here were made a while ago back when I wasn't as good at programming and don't reflect my current skill. If you want to know how good I currently am then look at projects with recent commits on GitHub (this year preferably). They are ordered with the most recently worked on ones first.

Serble API

Serble is my little project where I make a tonne of services and online things. It is where I experiment with new things. The API contains payment login with Stripe and an account system I made from scratch. It's live at and is being used by among other things.

GitHub »

Democracy Discord Bot

The democracy bot is designed to have one instance per guild. It allows users to vote on who should get guild permissions to do things like add/remove channels and add/remove roles.

GitHub »

A Million Clicks

An Android game that I'm working on. I will add link to Google Play when it releases.

Google Play (Coming Soon) »


A general purpose Minecraft Spigot/CraftBukkit plugin inspired by EssentialsX but is designed to not override any default Minecraft commands and is more lightweight and simple. It supports every version from 1.3 to 1.18 which is every single downloadable Bukkit version. This is my project but had a lot of work done by a friend of mine.

GitHub »

Ultimate UHC

Ultimate UHC is an Ultra Hardcore competition plugin for Minecraft Spigot/CraftBukkit, it was one of my first plugins, and recently I came back to it and completely refactored it (Literally all the code was in one class). This plugin allows you to host UHC games in 1.8-1.18.

GitHub »

Better Combat

Better Combat is a Minecraft Spigot/CraftBukkit plugin designed to improve 1.16 combat (although it works on most modern versions). This plugin is very old and is badly made but due to me losing interest in the latest version combat I stopped updating it. It adds a very weird push mechanic as well as changing damage amounts, it's really weird.

GitHub »

Homework Tracker Server

This is an ASP.NET API project designed to allow users to save homework tasks on a server and access it on any device. This is just the server part of the project, I also made a client in Unity (I know it sounds really scuffed). This project was important because it was how I learned a lot about HTTP and ASP.NET, it was originally made using the TcpListener object in C#. This project is also when I learned a bit more about git and started using it better. I am hosting an instance of the server at and it is currently Loading Server Status....

GitHub »

Homework Tracker Unity Client

This is a client for the above server. It's made in Unity which is a game engine, yeah I know it's dumb and bad, but it was the easiest way for me to make a simple client. I literally just made this to test the Homework Tracker Server, but it's not bad.

GitHub »